Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Beginning!

A few of you have said that I needed to start a blog! So here I am and here you are :) I am still not completely convinced that I will be able to post anything of interest but I figured I would try it. Daniel and I are doing well. We celebrated our second wedding anniversary in August and time has flown by. It feels just like yesterday that it was our wedding day. Anyways, Daniel and I have started another journey together. As many of you know I have battled my weight for a few years now (writing this down is harder than I ever thought it would be). I have struggled with every aspect of losing weight! My family has always been supportive but it has always been extra hard. About three weeks ago I received some not so great health news and my doctor suggested a program called P90. I have done two videos of Tony Horton's P90X and they are extremely daunting so when he recommended the P90 program I was skeptical to say the least. Daniel ordered the program and we started the program two weeks ago. We took before pictures, measurements and weights (don't worry, you won't be getting the before pictures until there are some afters!! haha) We took a long time at the grocery store buying menu items that were included on the meal plan. We've learned some really great recipes that we enjoy and that are good for us! We do a video six days out of the week. There is a "sculpt" video that is weights and toning exercises. The next day we do the "sweat" video which is cardio and I never thought a 35 minute video could be so hard! After the two weeks of doing our new meal plan and working out with each other we both are noticing differences. Daniel has lost around eleven pounds and I have lost about four (don't men just make you sick how quickly they can lose weight!).  I have also started noticing a difference in my clothes and the way they fit. I am also not as tired and have more energy and actually want to get up and do things! I know that seems crazy that four pounds could make that much difference but it has for me! I can't wait to be back at a weight where I can be comfortable in my own skin again and actually feel like myself again (most of you know I used to be a dancer!). I am really looking forward to losing more and actually making my goal weight this time. I'm hoping that doing this blog will keep me accountable and keep me on track. I'm really leaning on my faith, my family, and my friends to help me through this! Ok, well I am gonna sign off now. Don't know how often I will write but I hope I haven't bored you too much ( I'm feeling like this is going to be more for me than for ya'll but here it is anyways!)